Kamis, 18 September 2014

Introducing Someone

i am going to the car free day event with my friend

Akbar : Hey Alex, i still confused about you, may i ask you something ?
Alex : sure, what is bothering you ?
Akbar : why are you still single ?
Alex : because i don't have a girlfriend . LOL XD
Akbar : no, i mean why don't you looking for a girl ?
Alex : you know my friend i'll tell you my secret
Akbar : what is it ?
Alex : i am afraid of height and girl
Akbar : oh man, that's sounds terrible
Alex : ouh, thanks for insulting me
Akbar : nonono, you don't get the point, you will be alone forever *ROTFL*
Alex : soooo, what should i do ? -_-
Akbar : ehm, don't worry i have a friend, her name is jessica, she is a good girl and i think you and her are suitable
Alex : are you sure ? do you have her autograph ?
Akbar : yes, here take a look
Alex : wow, she is pretty enough. is she still single too ?
Akbar : of course she is
Alex : alright then, when we meet up ?
Akbar : how about tomorrow 07.00 pm at PTC Mall ?
Alex : Ok, don't make me dissapointed

At tomorrow evening in the PTC Mall

Akbar : Hey Alex, this is my friend Jessica. She was my classmate in junior high school
Alex : Hi Jessica, how do you do ?
Jessica : Hi Alex, how do you do ?
Akbar : Alex is my classmate at Senior high school
Jessica : Nice to meet you Alex.
Alex : Nice to meet you too
Akbar : How about we have some dinner ?
Alex : alright, let's have some food, are you hungry Jessica ?
Jessica : yes, let's go
(Akbar forgots something and he had to go)
Akbar : i'm sorry, i forgot something, i should leave now ;-)
Alex : oh no problem ^-^ (thank you akbar)
Jessica : be carefull..
Alex : Jessica, where do you live ?
Jessica : i live in Sidoarjo......

I go to home and Alex do the rest ^^

8 komentar:

  1. I confuse with this
    "Alex : Hi Jessica, how do you do ?
    Jessica : Hi Alex, how do you do ? "
    can you explain me ?

    1. https://id.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20100619231853AAjwJyr

    2. maybe you can explain me directly == but thanks

  2. hi akbar ! maybe you can revition this dialog :
    Alex : Hi Jessica, how do you do ?
    Jessica : Hi Alex, how do you do ?

    1. https://id.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20100619231853AAjwJyr

    2. thank you for the answer brow..

  3. i hope alex can get over his weakness with girls...and nice friendship!!
